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Managing People Course

As a renowned HR consultancy, Elston HR understands the importance of effective training for managers, supervisors, and team leaders, and how it can pivot an organisation to success.

About Our Management Training Workshop at Elston HR

In today’s cut-throat corporate world, developing effective managers and leaders is no longer an option, but a necessity. Any organisation’s success is built on the foundation of skilled and effective managers. Management training equips your team leaders and managers with the skills they need to guide their teams to achieve your organisation’s objectives.

In our half-day workshop, your team leaders and managers will learn to develop their requisite skills and become better at their team-leading roles and responsibilities.

Businesses evolve quickly, and you’re likely all too familiar with the need to make regular changes and upgrades to stay ahead of the curve. To help your employees adapt to these changes, your managers and team leaders need to keep refining their skills and managing teams successfully.

A Snapshot of Our Organisational Change Management Courses


Get an overview of people management with a focus on leaders and managers.


Half-day course

Who For

Team Leaders / Managers

Key Learning Outcomes of Elston HR’s Training for Managers and Supervisors

Our specialised training for managers, supervisors and team leaders provides managers with the tools they need to create a positive work environment. This manager and supervisor training workshop covers a manager’s roles and responsibilities, how to effectively lead teams, and how to collaborate with others.

You’ll get an overall understanding of managing people with respect, communication, and adapting your communication styles for more productive outcomes. We’ll also help you to understand the key difference between a manager and a leader.

With the help of Elston HR’s training experts, you’ll learn how to develop your own signature management style after learning the principles, methods, and strategies of managing people. Enquire today and enrol in our manager training workshop.

After completing our new managers training workshop, you will:

  • Understand effective manager-employee communication
  • Learn the importance of non-verbal communication like body language
  • Learn the different communication barriers
  • Understand how to listen better
  • Learn techniques for communicating effectively with your teams
  • Define professionalism
  • Understand and discover your employees’ attributes
  • Determine how people learn
  • Learn what makes an effective manager
  • Identify the key differences between managers and leaders
  • Know how to establish trust and rapport within your team
  • Discover your management style and its impact on others

Top Benefits of Our Manager Training Workshop

Why is manager training vital for businesses to succeed? Managers are the fulcrum on which organisations pivot.

They productively bridge the gap between the leadership and the teams they manage.

Discover multi-fold benefits for your team leaders and managers and your organisation as a whole through our workshop for coaching training for managers.

Let’s explore the benefits of manager training in greater detail:

Improved Communication Skills

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The true hallmark of a manager is how effectively they communicate. Communication is indeed the key to success, but successful managers are aware that not everyone communicates in the same manner. They find ways of establishing varying communication channels to best serve their company. Getting your point across in clear terms enables you to communicate your expectations in ways people can comprehend easily.

Not being able to understand and manage different communication styles can block your progress. Plus, if you don’t pay attention to non-verbal communication like body language, this can become a challenge when leading teams.

By mastering effective communication strategies with their team members and staff, team leaders reap the benefits of an engaged team and enhanced overall performance. Management training teaches you how to communicate in ways that you can influence multiple audiences in your company.

Better Understanding of A Manager’s Roles and Responsibilities

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Managers bridge the gap between their teams and those in leadership roles, but their primary purpose is to ensure that tasks are being carried out effectively and on time. While team leaders and supervisors perform a variety of tasks, their fundamental responsibility is to ensure their team is working productively. By coordinating the actions of other staff, a manager ensures the organisation is on track to achieve all the set goals and objectives.

A team leader’s ability to mentor and guide others is one managerial role that often gets overlooked in the process. A manager or supervisor can double up as a mentor and guide to look up to in the workplace. Successful training for managers and supervisors helps them understand the ins and outs of what successful management is all about. They’re able to look beyond their daily roles to the bigger picture.

Improve Decision-Making Skills

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A key part of any manager’s role is making effective and efficient decisions. Effective decision-making typically needs an all-round approach by considering all the possible factors (emotional, social, political, and so on).

Management training helps you identify and avoid any hurdles that undermine your decision-making process. You’ll gain training to strengthen your decisions regarding individuals and groups in your organisation. Making better and faster decisions in the workplace can lead to a boost in productivity and move your organisation ahead.

Self-Evaluation of Management Style

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A good manager understands what it takes to become an effective leader and engage and motivate their teams. They avoid micromanaging and being authoritative, without undermining their authority to delegate and make key decisions.

The best training for new managers involves helping them to understand their managerial style and suggesting improvements when necessary.

Effectively Handling Change Transition

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Any organisation undergoes numerous phases of transition over the course of its existence. Whether it's handling job cuts or a merger, successful managers should always be ready for change. This ability to plan, adapt, and manage change can be learned from new managers' training.

Training can help you take on techniques to design, direct and shape change processes in your organisation’s favour. A management course can help team leaders, supervisors and managers develop skills to break down the organisational change process into parts while overseeing the transition. You’ll learn how to guide your employees through major changes, including the actions they should take and how best to execute them.

Why Choose Elston HR for Coaching Training for Managers

Elston HR’s manager training workshops have served as valuable training for hundreds of team leaders and managers. Gain new insights into effective people management with actionable outcomes through our workshop for coaching training for managers.

Here’s what makes our training different from others:

Productive Outcomes

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Consider training for managers as an investment for yourself or your line managers. Training helps you shape your thoughts and actions to positively impact your business. Training for managers and supervisors creates more effective managers in their roles, who develop the confidence to drive success within their teams.

Partner with Elston HR and make management training a priority. Learn how you can use the workshop’s outcomes to improve your company's success and influence your team’s morale.

Experienced Training Team

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Elston HR has a team of experienced trainers who are exceptional at delivering workshops across a variety of topics. Receive the best training for new managers and old managers through our workshop. They’ll learn how to excel in their roles by building on their existing management skills and techniques.

With our supervisor training, our trainers teach you how to iron out the kinks in your management techniques. You’ll also learn newer ways of motivating and leading your teams to chart your organisation’s success.

Encouraging Leadership Behaviour

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In our management courses, you’ll learn the difference between a manager and a leader. This workshop gives supervisors, managers and team leaders an opportunity to identify and develop their leadership skills.

Our new managers' training allows managers to practice the lessons they learn in a professional setting. Through real-life examples and role-playing exercises, supervisors and team leaders can visualise themselves in leadership roles. They’ll gain an understanding of their potential and the scope of improvement. The more potential leaders practice, the more they can discover their strengths and build their confidence. For example, they may identify their strengths in engaging employees or conducting presentations.

Elston HR gives your employees the platform they need to transform themselves into leaders.

Engaging Training Module

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Elston HR’s training for managers and supervisors workshop is targeted towards the needs of managers and team leaders. Our training curriculum equips your management staff with the knowledge to make effective decisions, influence change in your company, and manage and mentor their colleagues. Trained management staff become better employees and managers, and learn to overcome any challenges that arise in their role.

Elston HR’s manager training workshop isn’t only beneficial in your career; it’s also training you for life. Along with our training for managers and supervisors course, we offer a comprehensive array of courses covering various other aspects of management and soft skills in the workplace.

With Elston HR’s bespoke management training courses, you’ll have access to the tools and resources to guide your team leaders and managers, paving the way for personal and organisational success. Contact us today to enrol in our manager training workshop.

Contact Elston HR for Targeted Management Courses and Workshops

We are an HR consultancy firm offering diverse businesses with bespoke services in HR, training and development. We meet your diverse needs by strategically connecting people and processes to your organisation’s mission and goals. When it comes to people matters, count on Elston HR to align our processes with your organisation’s objectives and help steer your business ahead of the competition.

Countless businesses have banked on our support and services and met their HR, training, and development needs to deliver optimal performance. Explore the myriad of benefits of management training with Elston HR.

Targeted and effective training for managers ensures that they understand their responsibilities to help their teams grow and produce quality work. Equip your managers, team leaders, and supervisors with our targeted and effective manager training to unlock the secrets of managerial success.

Download the brochure to learn more about our management training workshop.